Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Tablet and Smartphone Market Share 3Q13 (IDC)

These numbers are according to IDC:

In the smart phone market, IDC did not break out by OS, however, we know Nokia had 8.8 million units sold in 3Q, so that would be 3.5% of the market, making Windows Phone overall < 4%. IDC says that Apple's share was 13.4% down from 15.6% last year.

World Smartphone Marketshare 3Q13
Apple iOS13.4%
Windows Phone~4%

Windows tablet market share was listed only as "struggling" by IDC, I'll give it 4%, it may well be significantly less.

World Tablet Marketshare 3Q13
Apple iOS29.6%
Windows Phone~4%

IDC, in the tradition of market analysts sucking up to the companies they cover, said:
However, with the new iPad Air shipping November 1st and the refreshed iPad mini with Retina scheduled to roll out later in November, IDC expects Apple to enjoy robust shipment growth during the fourth quarter.

This is of course silly. Apple unwisely raised the price of its new mini. It has severe screen supply problems with the new mini. Mini and iPad 2 sales dominated last holiday season. Android vendors have plenty of new tablets for the holidays not shipping yet too. Add to this iOS 7 woes and it is very likely that Apple will fall even further behind in 4Q13 and IDC surely knows this. Beyond marketshare loss, a contraction in number of units shipped (4Q12 vs 4Q13) is not out of the question.

Samsung's share grows while Apple's declines in Q3 smartphone market - Computerworld

Worldwide Smartphone Shipments Grew In Q3 While Chinese Demand For Low-Cost Android Devices Hurt Apple’s Market Share

IDC on tablet market in Q3: Android up, iPad down, Windows struggling | ZDNet

Apple's tablet lead shrinks as Android gains momentum | PCWorld

iPad market share dips to less than 30% while tablet market grew 7%

Nokia Lumia sales hit record 8.8 million in Q3, North America doubles | The Verge

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Seo Tips: Cara Tips Seo dan Trik Seo pada Blogspot

Trik Seo
Seo Tips: Cara Tips Seo dan Trik Seo pada Blogspot Pada suatu blog memang tidak bisa kita abaikan apabila blog tersebut ingin bagus pada search engine sekelas Google kenapa saya menyebut Google karena saya rasa untuk saat ini merekalah search engine yang terbaik dan sering kita pergunakan tapi bukan berarti search engine yang lain tidak bagus contoh seperti Bing atau pun Yahoo,namun yang sehari-hari banyak dipakai jasanyanya adalah Google. Sekarang kita kembali pada Tips Seo Untuk Blogspot untuk mempermudah search engine mengenal lebih dekat tentang blog yang kita punyai adalah kita harus pintar-pintar dalam menyiasatinya mungkin dengan membuat artikel secara berkala dan teratur bisa juga kita gabung pada forum-forum yang nota bene mempunyai page rank yang cukup tinggi serta kita pun harus selalu blogwalking kebeberapa blog teman atau rekan yang gunanya dari blogwalking tersebut adalah mempererat silahturahmi dan saling tukar informasi. Nah sedangkan masalah Trik Seo Pada Blog memang banyak ragamnya namun kita harus bisa menyesuaikan dengan thema blog kita saran saya carilah backlink yang diatas page rank kita agar blog kita makin kokoh pada search engine dan usahakan thema blog orang tersebut kalau bisa harus sama dengan thema blog kita contohnya kalau blog kita banyak memposting tentang permasalahan Tips dan Trik Seo atau tentang kesehatan maka carilah backlink yang sejenis dengan blog kita tersebut namun apabila blog kita isinya campur aduk dari masalah kesehatan,cara memasak,software,download video 3gp gratis dll nah untuk yang seperti itu sebaiknya gabunglah pada forum plus selalu submit blog atau pun artikel kita pada layanan yang menyediakan untuk submit artikel untuk itu akan saya share submit artikel atau pun blog yang saya rasa cukup bisa membantu. Tips Seo sepertinya tak akan pernah habis kalau kita bahas dan Trik Seo tidak bisa kita prediksi dengan pasti namun kita dituntut untuk berusaha dan itu saya rasa tidaklah menyalahi aturan asal memang sesuai dengan jalur yang telah ditentukan oleh pihak search engine contohnya kalau pun kita mengcopy paste artikel milik orang lain masukanlah alamat link asal usul artikel tersebut yang gunanya untuk saling bisa berhubungan link-link tersebut satu sama lain dan itu akan menjadi satu nilai tambah dalam hal SEO tapi yang lucunya banyak juga blog-blog yang tidak menyertakan link sumbernya padahal itu satu kerugian yang cukup besar bagi blog karena bukan tidak mungkin blog kita akan dicap oleh search engine sebagai blog yang mencuri hasil karya orang lain dan itu akan berdampak negative pada serp.Memang sih banyak artikel yang mirip atau pun sama dalam hal pembahasan suatu artikel namun kalau bisa usahakan dalam hal penjabarannya harus dengan gaya atau ciri khas yang kita punyai. Tips Trik Seo mungkin sekarang kalah bersaing pada pencarian disearch engine oleh berita atau pun olah raga namun bagi yang masih suka dengan Tekhnik Seo rasanya tidak apa yang penting persoalan seo adalah masalah hobby saja begitu pun sebaliknya karena orang yang rata-rata dimuka laptop atau pun komputer adalah para penghobby. Nah sekarang saya akan coba kasih Trik Seo Buat Blog yang moga saja bisa bermanfaat agar serp blog kita bisa agak sedikit bagus pada search engine,usahakan kalian gabung atau pun submit blog serta artikel pada list-list blog berikut ini :

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PR 1 

Gabunglah dan submitlah artikel atau pun blog kita semoga saja serp blog bisa bertahan dengan cukup lama,sekian dulu yang bisa saya share kali ini semoga semua yang saya tulis kali ini bisa berguna dan saya pun mengucapkan terima kasih bagi yang sudah berkunjung serta membaca artikel yang mana kali ini sengaja saya kupas tentang Seo Tips: Cara Tips Seo dan Trik Seo pada Blogspot.

"Live" Blogging the Apple iPad Event

[Synopsis: Apple launches two new iPads. Neither are cost competitive with Android. iPad mini with retina display costs $399!!! It clearly is delayed, time will tell whether or not supply chain problems will make it essentially unavailable for the holiday season. OS X Maveriks will be a free upgrade. All in all one can regard the new iPads as an early Christmas present for Android vendors. These tablets, especially given the problems with iOS 7 and the A7 processor that is in the iPhone 5S and both new iPads, virtually guarantee a great holiday season for Android.]

This "live" blog is just my reactions to the Apple iPad Event. I tried to watch it via live stream, but Apple is apparently incompetent about such things. This is the third event in a row where they have screwed this up. Did everybody competent there move to Google or something?

Read more »

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

More on iOS 7, iPhone 5S Problems

Well, the floodgates are opening. Because Apple commands so much ad money, many places avoid criticizing anything Apple. But once a few places do so, it becomes OK to talk about the obvious.

Anyway, I feel vindicated, I've only been talking about this since the day iOS 7 released [link, link, link, link]. The volume of news stories about individual bugs made it clear that iOS 7 had significant problems. Also, many Apple users just flat out do not like it.

I want you to take away three things from this article (and the ones linked to above):

  1. Apple has released its worst upgrade ever. It fails so badly it is kind of like Windows ME and Windows 8 combined.
  2. The iPhone 5S has sensors so faulty that it seems likely that Apple will have to recall all of them.
  3. iPhone 4 and 4S users are in major pain and Apple will not let them downgrade. If you have a 4 or 4S and have not yet "upgraded" you really should not do so. Apple should let these users downgrade.
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Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Legacy Platform Update (Apple iOS, MacOS X and Microsoft Windows)

I generally intend to do this post once a month or so, but as Windows 8.1 released today, it seemed warranted to do an extra post this month.

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Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

ChromeOS Revolution Update

Wow, this is what Amazon's best-selling laptops list contains as I write this (10/12/2013):
  • #1 Samsung Chromebook
  • #2 HP Chromebook 11 (White/Blue)
  • #6 Acer C720-2800 11.6-Inch Chromebook
  • #7 Acer C710-2834 11.6-Inch Chromebook
  • #36 Acer C710-2833 11.6-Inch Chromebook
  • #37 11.6" Acer C7 C710-2856 Chromebook
  • #89 Acer C7 C710-2847 Chromebook
Amazon doesn't publish such details, but the Samsung Chromebook has been #1 on the list nearly every day since it shipped about a year ago. (It's possible it has been on the list every day, I've never seen it not be #1 on the laptop list.) The top two laptops are both Chromebooks and ARM-based, not Intel-based.

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Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

Nokia Asha 200 VS Nokia X2-01

Terinspirasi dari pengalaman-pengalaman saya yang sering ganti-ganti hp, yah mungkin posting ini bisa sedikit membantu bagi sobat untuk mempertimbangkannya,

yak kali ini adalah perbandingan antara Nokia Asha 200 VS Nokia X2-01

seperti yang terlihat pada gambar, kedua hp ini memang sama2 QWERTY keyboard. oke mungkin lebih enaknya tak kasih tau kelebihan dan kekurangannya aja ya.


Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Strange, Possibly Humorous News

Nokia Wants to Use Lightning to Charge Your Phone [VIDEO]

If you were trying to prove your embarrasing mapping system was all fixed, you certainly would not want to route motorists onto an airport runway. However, if you did do that by mistake, surely you wouldn't do it again?
Apple maps route to AK airport runway reactivated - Times Leader

The funniest part is that a phone that is truly gold-plated only costs 5x what an iPhone 5S does.
The Gold HTC One is a $4,400 limited edition plated in real gold

IEF 2013: Get ready to buy your last light bulb ever - Absolutely FABulous | TechEye

Strange, definitely creapy news:
U.S. military commissions real-life liquid armor Iron Man suit | DVICE

Chromecast Status

Recently, the biggest news is that the Android Hulu Plus app supports Chromecast.

The Chromecast is selling very well:
Go On, Guess What Amazon's Top-Selling Gadget Is Right Now – ReadWrite

The big question everyone is asking is when will Google let developers release apps?
This has led to speculation that Google is favoring "Big Copyright":

Chromecast, 2 Months Later: Where Are All The Apps? – ReadWrite

What's Holding Up New Chromecast Apps? Nothing ... But Google, That Is – ReadWrite

Numerous competitors are in progress:
Mozilla developing Chromecast killer with tab mirroring from Firefox for Android

Roku Strikes Back Against The Chromecast Menace – ReadWrite

Android News

During the latest blog format change, I reduced the amount of Android I cover.
Android is an incredibly rich platform and if you really want to know what's going on, try Android Authority, but be prepared to get quickly overwhelmed.

Here's a summary of what's been important in the Android world in the last few weeks:

As always, Samsung is a "leader":
Android benchmarks: Almost every major device maker is cheating - Liliputing

The Apple bloggers try to make a big deal of this, but to me it is just as sign that Android really is the #1 computing platform. Back in the days of workstations, benchmarks were cheated on (CPU and compiler). Then came the PCs (CPU and graphics cards), when that started, you really just knew that Windows was ruling the world. Now, the computing world has moved on once again.

Not only does Android ship the most devices per quarter, but its installed base has probably passed Windows. (Windows has long claimed a billion users (which realistically is a device count), though one thinks it might have shrunk a bit. Google claims 800 million Google Play devices. That would not include Amazon or White Box devices not using Google Play, so it is likely that Android now has more "users" (devices) than Windows.

Anyway, it is clear where the numbers and growth are, so the hardware folks are cheating there now. They shouldn't do it, but they do and they will.

Android has over one billion activations! - Android Authority

This next one I think is important because it points out some weaknesses in Android. One can only hope Google is thinking about these things.
With HP’s Slatebook X2, Android’s Not Ready for Work Yet | TIME.com

One reason I've not had much Android news is that most of it has been device or app news. Also, I don't like to cover rumors. However, some stuff does seem to be known about KitKat and the Nexus 5 [which may be called the Nexus 4 (2013) as the new Nexus 7 is Nexus 7 (2013)].
Google Partners with KitKat for the Next Version of Android (Not a Typo) | TIME.com

Nexus 5 design, Android 4.4 KitKat features detailed in new photo leak; LG-D821 gets second Bluetooth SIG sighting

At last it will be easy to find tablet apps.
Play Store change will make tablet apps more visible, starts Nov 21

Google did some research on Android's level of malware, this article covers it:
Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware - Quartz

Legacy Platform Update (Apple iOS, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows)

iOS 7 News

iOS 7 continues to reveal an unprecedented level of bugs. If you get your Apple news only from Apple fan blogs you may not realize just how bad the problem is. Here is one metric (searches done around 1pm MDT on 10/11/2013):

Google News Search StringItems ReturnedDays Released
"ios 7" bug21,50023
"windows 8" bug8,460351
(All of Jelly Bean)
"android 4.3" bug
+"android 4.2" bug
+"android 4.1" bug

In a mere 23 days, the bugs in iOS 7 has generated 5 times the number of news stories that Android Jelly Bean bugs generated in over a year. The use of the word "unprecedented" seems thoroughly justified.

Read more »

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Tips Membuat Kartu Kredit / Credit Card 2013

Tips Membuat Kartu Kredit / Credit Card 2013 - Sebenarnya tidak ada cara spesial atau patokan cara membuat kartu kredit agar tidak di reject. Kali ini saya akan share aja pengalaman saya membuat credit card ( Tentu nya ya pakai cara sedikit blackhat biar cepet jadi :D )

1. Membuat Kartu Kredit di Bank BRI
Ini pengalaman membuat kartu kredit yang paling menjengkelkan yang pernah saya alami, bikin sakit hati hahahahha :D Begini ceritanya,, Pada saat itu saya memang sangat butuh sekali credit card untuk membuat kampanye iklan adwords... dengan penuh harapan besar CC pertama saya ini di ACC ... karena secara ketika itu pas punya pacar customer service di bank bri dan pada saat itu saldo yang ada di rekening bank BRI saya lumayan besar. dengan antusias saya ngisi form pengajuan kartu kredit. Form yang sudah saya isi langsung di ajukan ke atasan do'i ane gan, kemudian suruh nunggu telpon dari bri pusat. kata nya sih biasanya 2 mingguan sudah di telpon. dalam kenyataan nya 1 bulan lebih tidak ada kabar... hmmmmm ..... ane uber2 terus do'i ane yang kerja di sana... kata suruh sabar terus. Saya anggak aja di REJECT.
Ini link tkp gan http://britouch.bri.co.id/

2. Membuat Kartu Kredit di Bank BCA
Ini pengalaman kedua membuat kartu kredit, dengan PD nya saya ke kantor cabang bank BCA tulungagung > ambil antrian ke customer service .... asikkkk bro ... CS nya di bank BCA bening-bening, pemandangan nya berbeda jauh dengan di bank sebelah.  

Ini link tkp gan http://www.bca.co.id/creditcard

3. Membuat Kartu Kredit di Bank Mandiri
Kalau pengalaman yang ketiga ini agak santai aja, karena sebelum nya sudah punya kartu kredit, sedikit pengalaman membuat kartu kredit di bank bca saya terapkan saat membuat kartu kredit di bank mandiri ini.

Ini link menuju website tkp

4. Membuat Kartu Kredit di Bank BNI
Kalau membuat credit card di bank BNI belum pernah sih gan, tapi kayak nya kedepan bakal ane coba mengingat saya sebagai IM jadi di tuntut punya lebih dari 1 kartu kredit .. istilahnya buat jaga-jaga... hahahhaha :D

Kesimpulan dari beberapa pengalaman membuat kartu kredit :
* Usahakan berpenampilan menarik, untuk meyakinkan sang CS :)
* bla
* bla
* bla
* bla

Celebrating 40,000 Pageviews

The blog is now 10 months old.

We have a new #1 most viewed post at 6,000 pageviews:
Arm vs Intel Benchmarks

#2 has 5,500 pageviews:
How to Live with Windows 8

#3 has 900 pageviews:
Alternatives to Microsoft Office

#4 has 690 pageviews:
Are Google (or Any Cloud-based) Products Trustworthy?

#5 has 680 pageviews:
Why Ultrabooks Do Not Sell Well and the Future of Laptops

#6 has 670 pageviews:
Microsoft's Best Buy-based Windows Stores - Impending Spectacular Failure

There are 327 posts.

Added Z3740 (Bay Trail at 1.3ghz) Benchmark

This is the processor in the new Asus T100.
There is only one benchmark value in Geekbench at this time, but it seems reasonable enough.
As always visit Arm vs Intel Benchmarks to see the chart (you can always access this via the Resources section at the top right of the page).

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

SysGFX Mega Pack Untuk Sony Ericsson Tipe A200

SysGFX Mega Pack

SysGFX Mega Pack Untuk Sony Ericvsson Tipe A200. Adapun sony-sony yang bertipe A200 adalah sebagai berikut (C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G502, G705, K660, K850, T700, W508, W595, W705, W715, W760, W890, W902, W910, W980, W995, Z750, Z770 .etc)

langsung aja ya, untuk cara memasangkannya pada hp tipe a200 sobat
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